Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall Must-Haves

It's getting to be that time of year...that beautiful, blissfull, favorite time of year...
... FALL!

The cooler weather, the crisp leaves, the breathtaking colors. They all take hold of my heart and keep it captivated as I'm reminded of God's creativity in the changing of the seasons. I'm fully convinced that He made Fall especially perfect to remind of us His beauty. There are so many fun activities, so many memories that go along with this season. Fall festivals, pumpkin patches, state fairs, apple picking, jumping in leaf piles and riding with the windows down... don't even get me started on the smells. Cinnamon, pumpkin, nutmeg spice, it's my favorite season! (There's also that beautiful thing called Alabama Crimson Tide football, Roll Tide!)

I'm becoming a list person. I like to make to-do lists. Some are in order to keep my life from being crazy chaos, but other lists are for fun, to ensure that I don't let myself get too overwhelmingly busy and actually slow down to enjoy the season. Thus, the reason for this post: my electronic Fall to-do list.

Must-Haves/Do's for Fall 2010:
  • Alabama football with my family every Saturday
  • Matt's 23rd Birthday
  • Cagle's Dairy Farm for the North Georgia Corn Maze
  • Pumpkin Carving with my Fiance
  • Apple Picking in the North Georgia Mountains
  • A ride through the country side with the windows down
  • Boots shopping
  • Scarf wearing
  • Camping Trip with my friends

There's so much to look forward to! I don't want to miss a bit of it. Way too often, I'm always looking forward to the next big thing. But I'm beginning to learn that the Lord has intended for me to not just count down, but to live every day with the intent of glorifying Him through being fully aware and alive in the midst of never-ending change. That's it. That's my thoughts today. So go out there and enjoy Fall everyone! It will be over before we know it.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The new and improved!

My blog was stale. I realize this. Even though no one verbally communicated that to me, I knew it all along, but kept putting off making it better. However, time is on my side today so I figured a little sprucing up was in order. I'm not positive that this is the final layout, title, or set-up, but it'll do until I think of something better.

Again, I'm not much of a blogger, but I might as well try to make use of it since I've got one now. Plus, when the Lord is teaching me so much, why would I not want to share it with the world?!

Right now we are t-minus 29 hours from the High School Girls Retreat. It's taken tons of planning and preparation, but we're almost there and I'm PUMPED! The Lord is up to BIG things and I can't wait to see what He whips out during this short weekend. I'm confident that the students won't be the only ones being challenged. Even in my preparation for the one session I'll be teaching, the Lord has been reminding me of His faithfulness and ability to answer prayer. He has been working behind the scenes, in front of the scenes, and all throughout the scenes. Just get ready to hear about what takes place this weekend as we watch and participate in the things the Lord has planned for us!

Please join us in praying for every person going on this retreat. All the students and all the adults. We're waiting expectantly for the Lord to chizzle away the flesh and replace it with more of Himself!