Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sleepova Frenzie! of the coolest parts about doing Girls Ministry is that we get to hang GIRLS! Woohoo girly things bless my heart. I love it. So for the girls who came to the Girls Summer Bible study for the last 6 weeks, we had a sleepover to celebrate our finale! 1 Peter 3 taught us SO much about how our attitudes should be as women, how to behave, and how to exercise a gentle and quiet spirit while we respect the men in our lives. It was an awesome time of fellowship and of breaking Bread with my fellow sisters in Christ.

On the last night of our Bible study we decided it would only be appropriate to get together as girls and just party it up. Here is what ensued. Oh...the laughter and good times that took place....

It wouldn't be a sleepover without a dance party in the strobe light... These girls were BREAKIN' IT DOWN.... I am the first to say that I absolutely LOVE dance parties and don't think its a party without one. But I'm not gonna lie, these girls were killing me in the energy department! Every time I tried to stop the dance party to move on to something else, somehow someone would start it back up again. There was no cutting it short. They were going to get their groove on no matter what I said. It was a blast!

Overall, we had a fantastic night, ate tons of pizza and junk food, and barely got any sleep. I would say it was a very successful event which will definitely have to be repeated!